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Robert Lynch

Hares and Tortoises

This week I got iTunes sorted out, so now the podcast is on a sack of distributors. Now I just have to put out a podcast on time every week.

I just finished adding an email sign up page to the website, so people who like to sign up for email lists can, it also means that I have to start making a newsletter each month.

I also made some additions to my schedule spreadsheet. Where before it was only tracking the weekly website content, I have just added columns for the newsletter, articles for writing websites, stories for submission to editors, and Frank Mason work.

The search for a graphic artist continues, I have a few meetings coming up, so we’ll see.

One thing that has been on my mind is not doing too much too fast. I have only just got into the rhythm of getting the weekly content done, I don’t want to overdo it. Not just in writing, but in many aspects of my life, I have let my enthusiasm get me carried away. This has inevitably led to a burn out and then months of inaction. Slow and steady is the pace that I want to set, incorporating each piece slowly into my workload.

Boom and bust has been the model I have worked with for most of my life, and I haven’t exactly got a lot of work finished that way. Consistently working toward a larger goal is what will get projects like a novel finished. I can bang out a 500-word flash fiction piece in a sitting, but for longer than that I still need practice, and I need to be able to pick up and put down work rather than get everything written in a single sitting.

Tomorrow, being the first of the month, I will write up a newsletter to send out to my email list.

Since it is the start of the month, Time to think about the bare minimum of what I’d like to get done in October.

I would like to have one flash story out for submission by the end of the month and one article sent off for a writing site. I’ll also have the enough stories for the second compilation by the end of October. I need to have the season outline for Frank Mason done and the first draft of the story 1 of the season done. Just looking at it this list is ambitious. Hopefully have a graphic artist on board by the end of the month, but I don’t want to rush that if I haven’t found a good fit.

If I get all that done I’ll be very happy.

If I get free time I want to start researching other author blogs around to maybe do a collaboration with them. Get a couple more articles written if not sent off, and get more than one story for submission ready. Now we are really entering the danger zone of burn out.

My goal for the week: be happy and get the web content done.


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